Current handbook

The student handbook contains all the information on how to obtain a degree in the Biophysics Graduate Program. This comprises how to develop a plan for coursework, how to choose a research advisor, how to take the general exam, and how to submit and defend the final thesis. Students are encouraged to read through the student handbook at the beginning of their career in the Biophysics Graduate Program and revisit it often as they progress toward their degree. You can find the current handbook here as a PDF. If you have joined the program before 2016, please view the appropriate version on the right.

In addition to a wealth of useful information on the Biophysics Graduate Program, the handbook also contains several forms. These are summarized here.


Doctoral Program Timetable
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The timetable summarizes when which contract or examination is due and how students are supposed to be financially supported during which semester.
Curriculum Planning Worksheet
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The curriculum planning worksheet defines how a student will fulfill (or already has fulfilled) the minimum general course requirements of the program. It is the first plan for an individualized curriculum. It has to be filled out by the student and one of the directors at the beginning of the first semester of classes in the program.
List of currently approved elective courses
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This document lists all courses mentioned throughout the handbook as possible elective courses in one place ordered by offering department.
Rotation report
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The rotation report form has to be filled out and signed by a student and a rotation advisor before each rotation in order to clarify the mutual expectations for the rotation. It has to be finalized and submitted to the program at the end of the rotation.
Agreement to advise
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This form has to be filed when an advisor takes on a student in order for this advisor to demonstrate her/his commitment to fund and advise the student.
Leave of absence
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The leave of absence form has to be filed by each funded student who needs to temporarily leave the University (e.g., because of sickness).
Timeline for candidacy exam
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This sheet provides a quick overview over the actions and timetable surrounding the candidacy exam.
PhD contract
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The PhD contract is the document defining how a student will approach the PhD. It has to be filled out by the student and his/her research advisor as soon as the advisor is chosen.
Preproposal assurance letter
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The preproposal assurance letter has to be sent by the advisor to the program in order to assure that a sufficient part of the preproposal component of the general exam is the student's own creative work.
Yearly student progress report
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This form has to be filled out at the yearly thesis committee meeting of every post candidacy student during May and sent to the program.

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