Biophysics News
Lily Schumacher - Edward J. Ray Travel Award
Congratulations to Lily Schumacher who was awarded the Edward J. Ray Travel Award and the Career Development Grant from the Council of Graduate Students! She will use these awards to attend the 2025 Biophysical Society Conference in Los Angeles, California! |
The Ralf A. Bundschuh Outstanding Student Award in Biophysics
The outstanding student award has been renamed The Ralf A. Bundschuh Outstanding Student Award in the Biophysics Program in honor of Ralf who has served the Biophysics Program as a co-director, mentor, and advocate for students for over 18 years. He will step down as co-director this fall semester to take on the role of Chair in the Physics Department.
Annually the award will be given to a current student in the Biophysics Program based on excellence in academic achievements. |
Emily Chan - Critical Difference Travel Award
Congratulations to Emily Chan who was awarded the Critical Difference Travel Award by The Womens Place at The Ohio State University! |
James Serna - Best Talk Award Midwest Theoretical Chemistry Conference
Congratulations to James Serna who gave a talk on his research at Midwest Theoretical Chemistry Conference (MWTCC) and was awarded Best Talk! |
May 21, 2024 - 17th Annual IGP Symposium
THE OHIO UNION May 21, 2024 The 17th Annual IGP Symposium showcases the research of students belonging to the Life Sciences Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs: Biophysics; Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology (MCDB); Neuroscience (NGP); and Ohio State Biochemistry Program (OSBP). Like past symposia, this year’s event involves the entire life sciences community at The Ohio State University, and is intended to provide opportunities to renew connections, forge new ones, and witness the great science being done by our outstanding students. |
Eleanor Rimmerman - Travel Grant for Early Career Investigator American Heart Association
Congratulations to Eleanor Rimmerman who was selected by the American Heart Association as a winner of their Travel Grant for Early Career Investigators for their 2024 Vascular Discovery Scientific Session! |
Sarah Sturgill - Biophysics Outstanding Student Award 2024
Congratulations to Sarah Sturgill who was selected by the Biophysics Graduate Studies Committee as the Biophysics Outstanding Student Award winner 2024 for her academic achievements and contributions to the Biophysics Program! |
Vladislav Belyy - Elizabeth L. Gross Faculty Award 2024
Congratulations to Dr. Vladislav Belyy who was selected by Biophysics graduate students for his demonstration of excellence and outstanding contributions to the Biophysics Graduate Program! |
Mar 19, 2024 - Robert Ross Lecture Arthur Palmer
The Biophysics Program will host Dr. Arthur Palmer from Columbia University for the annual Robert Ross Lecture on Tuesday, March 19, 2024 1:30-3:00pm in Davis Heart and Lung Institute room 170. There will be an opportunity for students to interact with Dr. Palmer immediately following the lecture. |
Vlad Bogdanov Awarded SRAA at Biophysical Society Conference
Congratulations to Biophysics Graduate Student Vlad Bogdanov who won a Poster Competition Student Research Achievement Award (SRAA) at the Biophysical Society Conference in Philadelphia last month! |
Jonathan Fritz - Awarded Center for Clinical & Translational Science T32 Predoctoral Training Grant
Congratulations to Jonathan Fritz for being awarded the Center for Clinical & Translational Science (CCTS) T32 Predoctoral Grant! This award will provide full-time research training support for Jonathan for the academic year, as well as other benefits of the training program. |