Chen Gu

Associate Professor
Department of Biological Chemistry & Pharmacology

University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver, CO, 2000

Division :
Cellular and Integrative Biophysics

Contact :

182 Rightmire Hall
1060 Carmack Road
Columbus, OH 43210
(614) 292-0349

More info :

osu:pro      PubMed    

Students :

Nanditha Nalinakshan
Research Interests:

My laboratory studies the mechanism and function of neuronal electrical signaling in health and disease. In particular, we focus on understanding ion channel regulation related to brain injuries, such as concussive brain injury, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, and alcohol abuse. Currently, we are working on the following three projects:

1. Mechanosensitive ion channels and their roles in mild traumatic brain injury.

2. Activity-dependent myelination in the brain.

3. Regulation of voltage-gated ion channels in fast-spiking neurons.

Please see linked website for more details.