Error performing query: " . mysql_error() . "

"); } while($table_row=mysql_fetch_array($table_query_result)) { $research_divisions[$table_row['Number']]=$table_row['Name']; } $table_query_result=mysql_query('SELECT Number,Name FROM Quarters' . ' ORDER BY Name', $db); if (!$table_query_result) { exit("

Error performing query: " . mysql_error() . "

"); } while($table_row=mysql_fetch_array($table_query_result)) { $quarters[$table_row['Number']]=$table_row['Name']; } $student_query_result=mysql_query('SELECT * FROM Students ' . 'WHERE Member=1 ' . 'ORDER BY LastName,FirstName,OSUID', $db); if (!$student_query_result){ exit('There was a technical problem connecting to the ' . 'student database. Try again later.'); } while ($student_row=mysql_fetch_array($student_query_result)){ $id = $student_row['Number']; $name = $student_row['FirstName']; if ($student_row['MiddleName']!='') { $name=$name . ' ' . $student_row['MiddleName']; } $name=$name . ' ' . $student_row['LastName']; $Ad1 = $student_row['Address1']; $Ad2 = $student_row['Address2']; $Ad3 = $student_row['Address3']; $tel = $student_row['Phone']; $email = $student_row['Email']; $web = $student_row['Url']; $osuid = $student_row['OSUID']; $haspicture= $student_row['HasPicture']; $cvtype= $student_row['CVType']; if ($haspicture) { $picture= './stdfiles/pic.' . $id . '.jpg'; if (!file_exists($picture)){ $picture = "./data/f/blank.jpg"; } } else { $picture = "./data/f/blank.jpg"; } $start_date = $quarters[$student_row['StartQuarter']] . " '" . $student_row['StartYear']; ?>

2){ ?>  ( )

0) { ?>

Research Division:

0) { $advisorid[$advisorsfound]=$advisor_row['Advisor']; $advisorname[$advisorsfound++]= $facultynames[$advisor_row['Advisor']]; } } if ($advisorsfound) { ?>

Advisor1) {echo('s');}?> : "); printf($advisorname[$j] . ""); } $advisorsprinted=1; ?>

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