Publications (co-)authored by Carlos Torres while in the Biophysics program


Carlos A A Torres, Kenneth D Varian, Cynthia H Canan, Jonathan P Davis, and Paul M L Janssen
"The positive inotropic effect of pyruvate involves an increase in myofilament calcium sensitivity."
PLoS ONE 8, e63608 (2013).


Carlos A A Torres and Paul M L Janssen
"Contractile strength during variable heart duration is species and preload dependent."
J. Biomed. Biotechnol. 2011, 294204 (2011).


Kenneth D Varian, Ying Xu, Carlos A A Torres, Michelle M Monasky, and Paul M L Janssen
"A random cycle length approach for assessment of myocardial contraction in isolated rabbit myocardium."
Am. J. Physiol. Heart Circ. Physiol. 297, H1940-8 (2009).


Kenneth D Varian, Anusak Kijtawornrat, Subash C Gupta, Carlos A A Torres, Michelle M Monasky, Nitisha Hiranandani, Dawn A Delfin, Jill A Rafael-Fortney, Muthu Periasamy, Robert L Hamlin, and Paul M L Janssen
"Impairment of diastolic function by lack of frequency-dependent myofilament desensitization rabbit right ventricular hypertrophy."
Circ Heart Fail 2, 472-81 (2009).


Mark G Angelos, Ryan L Butke, Ashish R Panchal, Carlos A A Torres, Alan Blumberg, Jim E Schneider, and Sverre E Aune
"Cardiovascular response to epinephrine varies with increasing duration of cardiac arrest."
Resuscitation 77, 101-10 (2008).


Carlos A A Torres, Kenneth D Varian, and Paul M L Janssen
"Variability in interbeat duration influences myocardial contractility in rat cardiac trabeculae."
Open Cardiovasc Med J 2, 100-4 (2008).


M G Angelos, C A Torres, M D Waite, D P Rath, H Zhu, P D Beckley, B S Palmer, and P M Robitaille
"Left ventricular myocardial adenosine triphosphate changes during reperfusion of ventricular fibrillation: the influence of flow and epinephrine."
Crit. Care Med. 28, 1503-8 (2000).


M G Angelos, C A Torres, D P Rath, H Zhu, P D Beckley, and P M Robitaille
"In-vivo myocardial substrate alteration during perfused ventricular fibrillation."
Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine 6, 581-7 (1999).

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