Jeff Kuret

Department of Biological Chemistry & Pharmacology

Ph.D., Pharmacology, Stanford University, 1984

Division :
Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

Contact :

108 Rightmire
1060 Carmack Road
Columbus, OH 43210
(614) 688-5899

More info :

osu:pro      PubMed    Program publications   

Students :

Bryce Guidry

Alumni :

Katryna Cisek , Carmen Chirita , Theresa Kannanayakal , Mihaela Necula , Xian Yu , Kelsey Schafer , Carol Huseby
Research Interests:

We investigate the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease, with special emphasis on how neurofibrillary lesions composed of aggregated tau protein form and propagate through the nervous system, and how these processes may be detected and inhibited in disease sufferers.