Patrice Hamel

Associate Professor
Department of Molecular Genetics
Department of Biological Chemistry & Pharmacology

Ph.D., Molecular Genetics, University of Paris XI, Orsay, France, 1999

Division :
Cellular and Integrative Biophysics / Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

Contact :

582 Aronoff Laboratory
318 W. 12th Avenue
Columbus, OH 43210
(614) 292-3817

More info :

CV      osu:pro      PubMed    

Alumni :

Matthew Webber
Research Interests:

Dr Hamel's lab focuses on investigation of the mechanism to the structure of c-type cytochromes. These are universal heme containing proteins that function typically as electron carriers. Plastid and mitochondria harbor analogous c-type cytochromes but their assembly pathways are strikingly different. We are interested in comparing the maturation pathways of c-type cytochrome in mitochondria and plastids using yeast and green alga as experimental model systems.